About Us

About Us
Reliable Online Payment Platform Reliable Online Payment Platform

Antlia Fintech is a venture that has been conceived with a vision to deliver unified, comprehensive financial solutions under one roof with an outreach that expands to the remotest semi-rural, rural and deep rural hinterlands. Our vision is to reimagine financial solutions for an India we understand, along with its requirements and limitations, and provide technology-based solutions to meet its specific demands. Our goal is to enable and empower the masses by not just providing a wide outreach and easy access to digital financial solutions but also creating sustainable systems that promote cash flow in the local economy and also generate large scale employment.

Beyond our integrity, professionalism and commitment to socio-economic empowerment, what sets Antlia apart is our deep understanding of consumer behavior patterns in Indian hinterlands as well as urban India. We understand the limitations of our rural economy that tends to be largely credit based, and our aim is to provide an accessible digital alternative that increases the cash-flow in the system.

As a B2B platform, our efficient and expanding network of channel partners ensure an ease of access to our solutions to a wide variety of clients across geographical locations and economic strata. They bring in a credibility to our services with a reliable human touch and are a cornerstone of our system that relies on indigenous direct and indirect employment generation.

Unlike financial services and products that have their roots in urban considerations, Antlia is a venture born for, off and from the grassroots. We don’t rely on top down approach for either delivering our financial services or providing employment opportunities. Our DNA is that of a strong native player who understands all types of customers whether they are part of urban clusters or rural or semi-rural markets and offers solutions that are inclusive, efficient, value-conscious, and affordable.

Our Services

Antlia Fintech is a one stop solution for all financial needs of the customers on a day-to-day basis. We are providing a comprehensive, inclusive, reliable and sustainable solution to all our customers in a cost-effective manner using the cutting-edge technology and fast evolving innovations through integration all the financial services on a single platform be it Banking, Digital Payments, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Loans, CMS and other financial services.

we have built a unified platform that can efficiently and effectively cater to a wide range of financial services as per the need of the customers. Our rapidly growing network of channel partners are instrumental in ensuring that these services are extended to the remotest corners where banking services have traditionally had limited outreach. In essence, we aspire to become the Indian hinterland’s trusted neighborhood banker.

Our Express Money Stores—The Future of Financial Solutions

Express Money Stores is Antlia’s way forward towards a future where our clients would simply walk into one of our many Express Stores in their neighborhood and avail all the required financial services under one roof at their convenience. These stores would also give us a chance to generate more employment opportunities for the people who need them the most, right in their neighborhoods.

Complementing banking system with thehelp of new age technology and createemployment opportunities-(2m) tounemployed youth of Bharat